Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Moving and Blog Inspiration May 2011

I moved this weekend, so that's why I've been a little slow with the blog posts. I've also been under the weather (strep throat), so that doesn't help either.  Good thing that I have so many other blogs to read to keep me inspired. Here are just a few things that caught my eye.......ENJOY!

The Brigette nail colour featured on, The Beauty of Life. It's from Jason Wu's limited collection from CND. Love it...such a sexy nude....and this summer seems to be all about accessorizing in sexy nudes.

Also Scandinavian housewares company "Huset" featured on Made by Girl. Plastic rugs? Who would have thought?

Also Scout and Catalogue's scarves and clutches featured on Look Linger Love I love everything featured on this site. Then I saw that they're based out of Toronto!!! My home city....props Scout and Catalogue!!

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