Saturday, October 1, 2011

100 followers giveaway!!!

As I promised....when "Stells and Co" reached 100 followers, I would host a giveaway! Yeah!!!
So, I'm very excited to see that we have now reached 100 followers and even more excited to launch my first giveaway to my viewers. I had to do something with one of my favourite hair products (being a hairstylist and all), so giving away a "Batiste" dry shampoo package seemed quite fitting. Here's the package: 3 travel size Batiste dry shampoos in various scents...and  a little surprise! Here's what to do: Post a comment below with your first name and email well as your hair colour. (You don't have to go in great detail with the colour...blond, light brown, dark brown etc will suffice). I will then do a random draw on the contest closing date of Sunday October 9th. If for example, I pick the number 2, the second comment listed below will win. I will then notify you by email and send you the gift pack.  (Please note: that the travel sizes will not necessarily be the scents in the picture above).
thanks for following Stells and Co.

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